Don’t you despise having to do all of the work over again after you’ve lost your way? It’s like playing some of the early video games, you know, the ones where you wake up in a dark room and you finally get to the level where you enter a cave or set the bird free, or buy batteries, and then you make a poor choice, or head the wrong direction and BAM! You have to go back to the beginning and start all over; following the same stupid path over and over until you get it right! (it was a 1970’s text based game called Colossal Cave, lol)
The point is, retracing your steps can be maddening! For example, a couple of years ago, I was doing plank exercises every day to build core strength. When I started, I could only manage a 10 – 15 second plank! Pitiful, I know. But every day I built strength until finally, I was doing 2+ minute planks and almost enjoying them .
But then something changed. I lost focus and planks dropped lower and lower on my list of priorities until one day I realized that they had completely fallen off the bottom of the list!
So here I am, happy to be back up to 50 second planks, but angry and frustrated that I have to repeat what I already did! Glad to be back on track, but irritated to know that it will take weeks to get back to my previous level.
When I played Colossal Cave back in the 70’s (yes, I’m old!) I was determined to get through the maze. I would try again and again to advance to the next level; to break new ground and claim new territory! Applying that same determination to my health and wellness goals makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
Think of reaching your goals as a game! Sure, you’ll have set backs. You might have to walk the same path again, just a FEW times (note sarcasm here).
Instead of giving up, be determined to advance to the next level!
In video games, winning is always the goal, but playing the game is what it’s all about. Challenge yourself to keep playing…restarting again and again until you can claim the rewards of next level health and wellness!